How To Root The Samsung Fascinate (Mac)

‘Free like a puppy’ is certainly much, much better than an atrociously priced and uncontrollably incontinent, rabies-infected mad hound.

Posted on Android Authority (

Admittedly, this is more for my own future reference, and a little behind the times (this tutorial is based on Eclair and Froyo), but if any of you still have a first-generation Samsung Fascinate (Galaxy S), you may find this handy.  Rooting the phone was the first thing that excited me about getting an Android phone, and is still one of my biggest selling points.  Verizon tends to bog their phones down with lots of bloatware that comes preinstalled, whose removal is otherwise prohibited, and requires a separate purchase or subscription to use (BAD, VERIZON!  BAD!).

Before you follow the tutorial in the video, you will need to download and unzip the following archive:

From there, it’s as simple as following the directions laid out in this video:

Enjoy your newly freed Android OS!

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