Zombies Run! Trains You For The Coming Apocalypse

Our evidence suggests that the zombie apocalypse can’t be more than a few years away now…It’s time to get in training.

Adrian Hon, Game Designer for Zombies, Run!

Zombies Run Six To Start iPhone Android app runningI caught a glimpse of this new augmented reality game earlier this month in Wired magazine’s GameLife blog, back when it was still seeking funding via Kickstarter.

In Zombies Run! you play the part of “Runner 5,” an anonymous hero who has to search a post-apocalyptic on foot for weapons and supplies while outrunning an unseen horde of zombies hot on your tail.  I have to say, the concept is quite intriguing, and might actually provide an excuse for the otherwise sedentary to get out and beat the pavement a little bit.  The really cool thing is that the game will grow and evolve as you play; being available on both iPhone and Android devices, the potential for DLC add-ons, patches, and story updates is virtually limitless.

I’m actually rather excited about this particular app, as it might be a little more exciting than the Runkeeper app that I currently use.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the constant feedback I get while running (I’m a bit of a data junkie), but Zombies seems to build on that extra little incentive–that need for survival.  It might be just enough to get the adrenaline pumping.

Heck, with it’s February scheduled release date, it might even get me in shape for next year’s Run For Your Lives 5K.

What’s The Best Free iPhone App For Tracking Fitness?

Author’s Note: This question was posed on Formspring. Feel free to ask any questions to me at http://www.formspring.me/matteargle and perhaps I will answer it in a future post!

Zelzega asks: What’s the best free iphone app for tracking fitness? I currently have Electric Miles (dailymile), Kinetic Lite, and Runkeeper. I love that Kinetic Lite connects to both dailymile and runkeeper, but which is the best?

As far as iPhone goes, I have no real idea considering I don’t carry one. In general, though, I use RunKeeper and Fitocracy. I’m not into tracking everything I eat, but RK does fantastically for my cardio, and Fitocracy imports from it so I don’t have to reenter anything.  Fitocracy hasn’t developed a native application yet, but their mobile site is fully-featured and quite accessible.

The best part about Fitocracy is that it gamifies exercise.  The site was started by a couple of stereotypical nerds who wanted to appeal to other stereotypical nerds through the two most powerful words in our language:  LEVEL UP!  The concept is that one earns points by performing certain exercises, thus increasing your overall capabilities–all in traditional RPG fashion.  I have to admit, the formula works, especially in keeping me focused on strength training (which has always been something I avoided).

In short, the best application out there is the one that works best for what you want to accomplish.  I want to have fun, and I’m a data junkie, so RK and Fitocracy work best for me.  Try some of the applications listed in the apps section of the RunKeeper website.  You’ll likely find one you like.